Thursday, April 9, 2009

Hanging up our tutus

Well, it's official. Katie's dance days are over for now. They were going to let Audrey take her place, but since we missed this week and will miss next week too, she said that just won't be enough time to get the routine before the recital, so we are through. I'm sad. I was really excited and thought Katie was too. She has just been very difficult lately. Throwing tantrums and being super dramatic all the time. She's really emotional. Today at the YMCA, she threw an all-out fit because they were giving an Easter egg to each kid as they left the day care and she wanted one. But we had a couple more hours to go before we were leaving. She was sooo mad. Screaming, throwing herself on the floor, kicking. I was pretty embarrassed. I had to go move my car and took her with me, just to calm her down a little, but it didn't help. I think part of it was that she was tired. She fell asleep on the way home and it's only a 10 minute drive. But, still. I hate it that she's acting this way. She used to be sooo sweet and easy-going. Maybe it's the age. Audrey, on the other hand, has changed places with her sister and is now my helper and good girl. I don't know what happened. She still has her moments, but for the most part our days have been much smoother as far as Audrey is concerned. She is kinda excited because there is a dance camp this summer and she was invited by Katie's dance studio. She really wants to go but we will have to wait and see when it is to make sure that we will be in town.

Tonight we have been packing up a storm and getting ready to head across to Wisconsin. I'm really dreading being in the car for 14 hours, but it will be nice to see my family. I'm sure that Vince and I will fight, just like we always do when we're around my family, but we will get through it. We were raised differently. Our families are very different. Sometimes, it's hard for him to accept that he cannot be in charge of everything. The girls are excited to see Nana and Papa and all the cousins. We are stopping on the way to see our friends Mike and Rachel and their kiddos. They live in northern MN now, but his mom lives in Lacrosse, WI pretty close to the interstate. How convenient! So, we are going to stop for supper there and get to spend a little time with some friends and stretch our legs too.

Hope everyone has a good Easter. God Bless you all. Love ya.

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