Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Best made plans
Ranger has to go back to the vet tomorrow. They wanted to make sure that the swelling was going down, so I made a follow-up appointment. It's a good thing because the swelling is worse instead of better. He's through with his antibiotics and all that, but his nose is still looking pretty bad. I'll let you know what they say and how much it's gonna set me back.
Sam just tried to do a little celebration dance. It was basically a circle, but he couldn't complete the entire thing because he lost control and spun out. Too cute! He LOVES his Dada. He was so excited when Vince came home from California. He just starting screaming, "Dada, Dada!" And if you've ever heard Sam scream, you know how crazy the homecoming was. I never thought it was possible for one little boy to be louder than his 2 sisters combined. Anything's possible I realize now. His latest cute trick is "nigh-nigh". He grabs a stuffed whatever or his favorite blanket that Aunt Bonni made for him and cuddles with it and says "nigh-nigh, nigh-nigh". Or when you put him in the bed he starts up with it. And he says love you. "Ah-voo". His favorite word is still no. Typical.
I will be making another trip to Wisconsin soon. My Grandfather's funeral is set for Oct. 15th and they are having a burial for my Grandmother's ashes on the 16th. So, I will fly out there by myself for a couple of days while my mother-in-love flies in to watch the kids since V will be out of town--AGAIN! Busy, busy.
They are predicting snow for later this week. Snow! October 1st. Snow! Oh, I miss the south. We still have summer clothes out. Not that we've gotten to wear them much. It's been so cool here all "summer". I've already scraped ice off the windshield once a couple weeks ago. It's nuts. I'm beefing up the Halloween costumes so the kids can wear their snowsuits under. The heater has been on for a couple of weeks now. Let's see. The heater was on until June and then comes back on in September. Is that insane, or is it just me? No wonder there's a bar on every corner up north.
Well, Vince and I are supposed to have a date tonight, so I guess I should get off of here and get dinner for the kids, get myself ready and the kids dressed. I have 30 minutes. Think I can do it? You betcha!
Monday, September 21, 2009
Need to lighten things up a bit

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Just look at their smiles! They will live in my heart forever and I know that I will be with them again some day.
Friday, September 18, 2009
Just breathe


Sunday, September 6, 2009
You can't get rid of me that easily!

Of course, the first thing she gravitated to was the farm and the horses. Didn't take her long. I love her little outfit. She picked it out at the store. It's corduroy with poodles on the bottom. It was 80 degrees on Friday. She insists she wasn't hot. Whatever. At least she was cute! She and Katie are starting dance classes next week. I think I might be crazy. They are both totally pumped. I asked Katie a million times if she was sure and told her that she was going to be in trouble if she quits in class. She has assured me that she's going to do it. Then she added, "But what happens if I get really tired and don't want to dance anymore?" Uh, oh. I did tell the lady that she might get shy all of a sudden, but they told me that was fine and that she could drop out with the proper paperwork. Wish us luck. Audrey is taking a ballet/tap class. I think she's really going to like it. She thoroughly enjoyed the dance camp she took this summer and this class will be with the same studio. Katie is taking Creative Movement. I really hope she does okay.
Sam is doing well with the walking. The night that we got home from Wisconsin, he hadn't walked since that morning, so when I put him down in the house, he was funny. He couldn't walk. He just kept falling like he had forgotten how to use his legs. He is talking some too. He says thank you ("ah ooh"), bless you (sounds just like thank you, only he says it when you sneeze), hush up (to the dogs) which sounds like "up", Dada-of course, and Nana. And he likes to give kisses. Big, open-mouth, wet kisses. He is officially the cutest kid who ever lived. No bias whatsoever! He's not feeling well today. He started with a high fever last night. It was 102.4 under the arm, so it's probably more like 103.4. He's been off his food for a couple days and just kinda cranky/tired. Don't know what's up, but I'm sure it will pass in the next couple of days.
Well, it's time for me to get off my duff and mow the lawn. It needs it bad. I will be back again. Soon.